In review of the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE) license surrender report, it appears a “plea bargain,” was made to surrender a peace officer license for a case within the Bexar County Justice of the Peace, Precinct 1 Office.
We requested the judicial records from the court; however, there was not a dismissal order. There were other concerns too. The case seemed to have occurred at 200 Comal Street in San Antonio. The person was a Bexar County Sheriff’s Deputy. The charging instrument is signed by a county clerk for a “assault-contact/threats,” yet a statue and element is not listed.
Anyone receiving a citation is provided the actual statue of violation, we have a hard time understanding why its missing in court documents. This seems to be a theme in the Justice of the Peace realm and maybe an area of risk to cover up what cases they are actually presiding over.

The case file has no document stating what actually occurred. Even on a citation one must document what occurred. The case has no dismissal order. It did not contain the TCOLE documents. We have no idea what actually happened with this case.

We have requested follow up on the matter and have yet to hear back from the Bexar County Justice of the Peace, Precinct 1 Office.
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