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Attorney General Confirm Kyle Police Chief Used Pseudonym

Attorney General Confirm Kyle Police Chief Used Pseudonym


The Attorney General’s Office recently required the City of Kyle to disclose when a pseudonym was used by its police chief. The AG’s Office ruled the City of Kyle must disclose the specific point in time (date) the pseudonym was used to investigate someone.

Specifically, a case was opened by the City of Kyle on or about October 1, 2018. During such opening, the Kyle Police Chief instructed his officers to file the case records as “John Smith.”

Since October 1, 2018 and through April 15, 2020, the “suspect,” never knew who “John Smith,” was supposed to be. This occurred because the Kyle Police Department never questioned the “suspect,” and the “suspect,” kept writing the City of Kyle to learn how to make a complaint on its Police Chief and to figure out who “John Smith,” was supposed to be.

In order to use a pseudonym there are only specific charges which allow it. The first accusation of “harassment,” would not allow such protection; however, in the planned scheme of conduct, the controlled peace officers of the City of Kyle were directed to list a pseudonym.

If the “suspect,” was really a “danger,” to the Police Chief, why’d the City of Kyle wait so long to arrest the “suspect?“

This is all easily explained in a Federal Civil Rights lawsuit filed on the Kyle Police Chief, Jeff Barnett.

In summary, the Kyle Police Chief (Jeff Barnett) has been trying to cover up his past acts towards his Princeton, Texas neighbor and needed a case file to “officially,” watch his past neighbor. He conspired with others to suppress his past neighbors civil rights until he decided to have the past neighbor arrested.

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