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Individuals May Have Mislead the City of Rowlett to Gain Peace Officer Employment

Individuals May Have Mislead the City of Rowlett to Gain Peace Officer Employment


UPDATE, on November 17, 2020, we were provided confirmation from TCOLE that Dallas Security Force was an approved school, as of August 3, 1983. There are many who attended before its approval. The story still has valid components. It is upon the government to provide truthful information within Open Records requests.

Multiple individuals claiming to be Peace Officers in the 1980’s, may have mislead the City of Rowlett to obtain Peace Officer employment with the (at the time) newly established (1971) Police Department, located in a desolate outskirt of the City of Dallas ( in the mid 1980’s).

This information is confirmed through the Texas Public Information Act (TPIA) through various sources; specifically, the City of Dallas, the City of Rowlett, and the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE).

We will describe how we are able to validate this information. The most important factors are the following:

  • There is a Records Retention Law
  • The Government is obligated to be in possession of records within the record retention law.
  • There is supporting information the Government does possess the records required; and
  • The Government has no record showing employment claimed by the individuals.

Here are the records requirements, for which we sought from the City of Dallas, and the City of Rowlett (as it relates to employment records):

Here is the documents supporting the request for city meeting minutes and agendas from the City of Dallas (we can also use some of these to receive “appointment,” information of prospective employees and promotions):

Here are the documents to validate the requests to TCOLE:

In review of the supporting record retention laws, one can safely conclude records which we requested are required to be in existence. This means, the government has a duty to provide or respond appropriately to requests made for TPIA information. It is not our duty to assure what we receive is proper, but it is the governing body’s duty.

We shall start from the top level of government and work our way down the validating government record proof. This means we will present TCOLE records and responses.

In summary of the findings of TCOLE we can confirm, the employer of Dallas Security Force was never an approved academy, and one which was claimed by many people employed by the agency during the 1970’s and 1980’s. We have received numerous confirmations to such request. We have also received temporary licensure documents which show no academy number listed for Dallas Security Force. These documents are used to obtain a temporary (probationary) licensure until the specified time for someone to complete the required education at an approved program. We will also provide the personal service records for all of the Dallas Security Force employees, who were assigned under Dallas Love Field agency code by TCOLE.

Here are the Dallas Love Field Personal Service Records:

Dallas Love Field – PSR – TCOLE

Here are a few PSR’s in screenshot, as they relate to the City of Rowlett employees:

Here are a few temporary licenses issued:


Here are a couple of training reports:


Here are TCOLE responses, as it relates to the official approval of Dallas Security Force and Dallas Love Field to be an Academy, per Legislature, and Commission rules:

This, in conclusion, shows there was never an approved academy at Dallas Love Field or through Dallas Security Force. A review of the PSRs for Dallas Love Field, one may come to the same conclusion, as many individuals did not go on to attempt to be peace officers at other departments.

The next part are our requests to the City of Dallas, we have shown where the information would be located. Government employers are required to have information on their employees. Based upon the findings, it appears Dallas Security Force was not a government employer, but rather a contracted company. This would mean, they were not Civil Service employees, nor were they government employees, for terms of tracking requirements.

Here are the requests and the responses:

That is rather conclusive, considering the City of Dallas has an in-depth archiving system of records. The biggest component is the names are not present as employees within the system. There seems to be no committee to approve any Dallas Security Force to be peace officers, as required by City Charter.

The next step is to review the employment files of a couple of individuals who are employed with the City of Rowlett. It took a lot of work to get the City of Rowlett to finally provide the employment records. We had to advise the City Attorney and City Counsel before movement for the requests occurred.

Here is part of the application for David Mayne:

Here is part of the application for Cruz Hernandez:

So, we see where Dallas Security Force was not an approved academy. We see where the City of Dallas has no government employment record of them. We see where there is not approval to license any of them as peace officers. We see where a few of the individuals previously employed at Dallas Security Force went on to claim peace officer certification to obtain employment at legitimate law enforcement agencies. We also want to note, the City of Rowlett records DO NOT have the “basic” certification, as required to maintain in their personnel file.

Could everyone already of known Dallas Security Force was never a legitimate academy? Could the reason for so many improper officers in Rowlett be related to improper certified officers are in oversight of the credentialing files for their department?

So, why hasn’t TCOLE done anything? There were complaints made to TCOLE about this matter. They were not addressed properly. We decided to do a little research of our own and found all the supporting documents to confirm our initial complaint. We had to use the TCOLE TPIA to obtain the information we would never need to obtain if a proper job was performed.

So, what are your thoughts?

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