A Police Chief claimed to be a victim of a crime. He filed a report with his own office. His own officers investigated. They filed a complaint with a notary of a Justice of the Peace. The Justice of the Peace issued a warrant. It’s believed the employee was ordered to file the complaint and do so outside the City of Kyle.
Above is the summary of events, not the specific details; but, is this Abuse of Official Capacity by a Police Chief?
Here is a job description:

Here is the statue:

Here is part of the complaint confirming a city employment acting on behalf of his supervisor, the Police Chief:

We are not sure how there is no “control,” and how there is no “virtue,” we also are not sure how this would not be “knowingly or intentionally,” conducted for a “benefit, to harm, or to defraud,” so we are asking, what valid reason would there be?
Is this Abuse of Official Capacity? If so, what should happen?