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The City of Kyle Police Department May Be Under Review of the Texas State Auditor’s Office Soon

The City of Kyle Police Department May Be Under Review of the Texas State Auditor’s Office Soon



On April 6, 2021, at 6:00 PM, the City of Kyle will be conducting a Counsel Meeting. The meeting has a couple of items related to grants being awarded to the City of Kyle Police Department.

The funding comes from the State of Texas. This is the first time we have reviewed the City of Kyle Police Department for grant funding for law enforcement purposes since the current Police Chief has been in office.

Below is a screenshot from the Texas Comptrollers Officer. It shows money awarded or paid to the City of Kyle Police Department for the past several or more years.

In review of the information, it appears the Texas Department of Transportation has never issued a grant to the City of Kyle Police Department.

What does this mean for the City of Kyle Police Department? It means their budget will be under the legal jurisdiction of the Texas State Auditors Office.

Anytime an agency elects to receive and does receive state funding the Texas State Auditors Office obtains jurisdictional oversight of the agency.

Screenshot from Texas State Auditors Office

On the “consent agenda,” for the City of Kyle are two line items to request grant money from the State of Texas.

April 6, 2021 Agenda Item, City of Kyle
April 6, 2021 Agenda Item, City of Kyle

The first item is to “Authorize the City Manager to apply for and accept STEP grant in an amount no greater than $8,100.00 from TXDOT and authorize matching funding from the Police Department’s approved operating budget for FY 2020-2021 in an amount not to exceed $1,620 to fund a STEP Grant Program for an enforcement period beginning May 24, 2021 through June 6, 2021.”

April 6, 2021 Agenda Item, City of Kyle, Supporting Information

The second item is to “Approve a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Kyle, Texas, authorizing the submission of an application for a 2-year grant to the Office of the Attorney General, for a full-time Victim Advocate I position; authorize funds from the Police Department’s future budgets to pay for the cost of fringe benefits, equipment, and uniforms for the Victim Advocate I; authorizing the City Manager to apply for, accept, reject, alter or terminate the grant on behalf of the City Council; finding and determining that the meeting at which the resolution is passed is open to the public as required by law; providing for an effective date; and making such other findings and provisions related hereto.”

April 6, 2021 Agenda Item, City of Kyle, Supporting Information

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