In review of the United States Small Business Administration (SBA) data within the Paycheck Protection Program, it was noted the Houston Police Officers’ Union (HPOU), an affiliate of the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), received over $150,000.
A snapshot from the CCN Politics website shows the following:

In review of other publishings; specifically, the reuters, a police union, typically receives 90% of its operated costs from union dues. These dues are from the workforce they represent. In the case of the HPOU, it is the Houston Police Department. Being that the department has not laid anyone off, should the HPOU have requested the loan?

This appears to strike at the hearts of good stewardship of the people. This happened at a time many are struggling to get by, a union, with plenty of revenue to get through the rough times, takes a loan. The union represents officers who are dedicated to protecting life and liberty of Texans, but the actions of the union seem to contradict the values the officers possess.
The application for the loan is here:

We have to ask, as it relates to the HPOU, is the “current economic uncertainty mak(ing) this loan request necessary to support the ongoing operations of the Applicant?”
What are your thoughts? We will be conducting an inquiry into the matter and the justifications provided. Should anything look out of order, we will take our typical approach to work with the government to resolve concerns.