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July 2022 SAPD Suspensions

July 2022 SAPD Suspensions


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July 2022 SAPD Suspensions

The San Antonio Police Department (SAPD) has released its July 2022 suspensions. Suspensions are public record under Chapter 143 of the Local Government Code.

SAPD Officer Indefinitely Suspended Over Allegations of Abuse

On January 7, 2022, [omitted] provided information in an affidavit to the Kendall County Sherifrs Office, reporting that [omitted], off-duty SAPD Officer Adam L. Franklin-Alonso, #0640 (EPB), on several occasions injured [omitted], including an occasion on January 3, 2022, when Officer Franklin-Alonso during a supervised visit at [omitted] was captured on a baby monitor, pinning [omitted] arms and legs. During this visit, Officer Franklin-Alonso reportedly pulled [omitted] ear. [omitted] was advised by [omitted] that he noticed that [omitted] ear was “blood red.” [omitted] indicated that [omitted] told her, [omitted] pulled.

Officer Franklin-Alonso’s actions, which caused injury to [omitted] did not conform to the ordinary and reasonable rules of good conduct and behavior, which brought reproach and discredit on himself and the San Antonio Police Department.

A criminal investigation was conducted by the Kendall County Sheriffs Office under Kendall County case #K2101926. The criminal investigation of this incident resulted in an indictment and arrest of Officer Franklin-Alonso.

On February 17, 2022, at approximately 10:00 [omitted] Adam L.Franklin-Alonso, #0640 (EPB) was arrested at [omitted] on post indictment warrant #8733 issued out of Kendall County for Injury to a Child, Elderly Individual Person, or Disabled Individual. That day, Officer Franklin-Alonso was also arrested on post indictment warrants #8734 and #8735 issued out of Kendall County for Injury to a Child, Elderly Individual Person, or Disabled Individual. Officer Franklin­ Alonso’s actions did not conform to the ordinary and reasonable rules of good conduct and behavior, which brought reproach and discredit on himself and the Department when a warrant was issued in which he was arrested. Refer to SAPD22034580.

July 2022, SAPD Suspension Records

SAPD Officer Indefinitely Suspended for Post-Indictment Allegation of Unlawful Restraint – Risk Serious Bodily Injury

On March 23, 2022, a post-indictment warrant #1793231 (Unlawful Restraint-Risk Serious Bodily Injury) was issued for SAPD Officer Michael A. Brewer, #0187 (CFB) for his involvement related to case SAPD19253487. On March 23, 2022, at approximately 1:15 p.m., Officer Brewer was arrested after turning himself into authorities at the Bexar County courthouse satellite office located at 100 Dolorosa.

Officer Brewer’s actions render his continuance in office detrimental to effective law enforcement and the needs of the San Antonio Police Department. The law and sound community expectations recognize that there is good cause for depriving Officer Brewer of his position.

July 2022, SAPD Suspension Records

SAPD Officer Suspended for Failure to Arrest on an Active Warrant

On or about May 4, 2022, Officer Samuel S. Sedillo was dispatched to 1700 Jackson-Keller for a burglary call that was criminal trespassing. Officer Sedillo took the suspect into custody, ran a check on the suspect, and was made aware he had active warrants. Officer Sedillo released the suspect with active warrants and failed to arrest him for trespassing. Officer Sedillo’s body worn camera was stopped early, while the caller was still talking with Officer Sedillo. Officer Sedillo placed an N-16 Code, when a report should have been written.

July 2022, SAPD Suspension Records

SAPD Officer Suspended for Writing Wrong Report

On or about May 16, 2022, Officer Richard A. Gutierrez was assigned to a disturbance call (SAPD22103210). The complainant told Officer Gutierrez several times she had been assaulted and hurt. Officer Gutierrez wrote a disturbance report instead of an assault report.

July 2022, SAPD Suspension Records

SAPD Officer Suspended for On Duty Unprofessionalism

On or about April I, 2022, Officer Brian A. Christensen responded to 13777 Judson Road to investigate a possible assault at a daycare center. Officer Christensen made inappropriate comments and questions that were inappropriate and irrelevant to the call. After reviewing Officer Christensen’s body worn camera of the encounter, it was determined he brought reproach and discredit on himself and the department.

July 2022, SAPD Suspension Records

SAPD Officer Suspended for Accidental Discharge of Firearm

On or about April 30, 2022, Officer Jonathan M. Coster was practice drawing his personal, off-duty handgun and thought he had cleared the weapon. He did not clear the round that was in the chamber and accidentally fired it. The bullet traveled through his bathroom wall and into and across the adjacent apartment before lodging in the wall.

July 2022, SAPD Suspension Records

SAPD Officer Suspended for Working Off Duty Without Permission

On or about April 4, 2022, at approximately 5:00 p.m., Officer Galo H. Maldonado was working off duty at 9502 Amelia Pass and he did not have a work permit or a body worn camera while working in an off-duty capacity.

July 2022, SAPD Suspension Records

SAPD Officer Suspended for Failure to Report to Duty

Officer Cedric A. Hudson, Jr. was assigned to work a Fiesta Carnival assignment on March 31, 2022 after the second Fiesta download on March 25, 2022 in POFS. Officer Hudson did not check his updated Fiesta assignments after the second download and subsequently failed to report for duty.

July 2022, SAPD Suspension Records

Officer Joshua J. Erdmann contacted the Fiesta hotline and was given two Fiesta assignments. He was instructed to check for additional assignments via POFS after the second update. The system assigned Officer Erdmann to an additional Carnival assignment that was to take place on April 4, 2022. Officer Erdman did not work his assignment on April 4, 2022.

July 2022, SAPD Suspension Records

SAPD Officer Suspended for Vehicle Accident

On or about April 25, 2022, at approximately 3:50 p.m., while on duty and operating a city-owned vehicle at the intersection of S. Zarzamora Street and S. IH-35 access road, Officer Joshua L. Rodriguez negligently struck a vehicle

July 2022, SAPD Suspension Records

On or about May 4, 2022, at approximately 9:30 a.m., while on duty and operating a city-owned vehicle at the intersection of Roland Avenue and Pecan Valley, Officer Samuel L. Martinez negligently collided with a vehicle.

July 2022, SAPD Suspension Records

A Couple of Our Other Reads

You may be interested in the May 2022 SAPD suspension report.

Or you may find the June 2022 SAPD suspension report of interest.

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