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SAPD November 2022 Suspensions
The San Antonio Police Department (SAPD) has published the suspensions issued for September 2022. SAPD Officers fall under the Local Government Code 143, as it relates to what is considered disciplinary action and releasable to the public.
SAPD Officer Indefinitely Suspended
On May 28, 2022, the Administration was made aware that Officer Miguel A. Montalvo sent a text message on December 8, 2021 to the administrator of United States Marine Corps, l Sergeant Jasso, requesting a command letter for military duty (Monthly Drill) in order to get out of his work duties as a San Antonio Police Officer. Officer Montalvo requested the command letter state that Officer Montalvo was scheduled for military duty the weekend of December l7, 2021 – December 19, 2021 when in fact no military duty was scheduled for the month of December 2021.
On May 28, 2022, the Administration was further alerted by USMC Sergeant Major Grant that during an internal investigation involving 1st Sgt Jasso (administrator of United States Marine Corps) and off-duty SAPD Officer Montalvo, #1137 (CPB) (reservist), inappropriate text messages were discovered. During the text message thread, Officer Montalvo sent a message that read “lol damn I’d just punch my chick in the mouth sow that mouth shut” and another that read “I just beat my chicks ass”.
Officer Montalvo’s actions render his continuance in office detrimental to effective law enforcement and the needs of the San Antonio Police Department. The law and sound community expectations recognize that there is good cause for depriving Officer Montalvo of his position.
SAPD Letter, Dated November 9, 2022, Signed by Police Chief William P. McManus
Officer Montalvo was given an indefinite suspension.
On April 28, 2022, Officer Taylor C. Sanchez was assisting on a major accident in the 8200 block of Marbach Road, San Antonio, Texas. While on body camera, Officer Sanchez can be heard telling Officer Bryan Fletcher that one of the persons involved in the accident [omitted] has a felony amount of “ounce” (marijuana). Officer Sanchez can also be heard telling [omitted] that he is lucky not to be arrested for felony amount of marijuana and that [omitted] should “go away.” Instead of conducting a proper investigation, Officer Sanchez allows [omitted] to walk away with a reported felony amount of marijuana in his backpack. Officer Sanchez further failed to document the incident and seize the reported evidence. When Officer Sanchez wrote his 200-OR related to this incident, he stated that he did not observe any illegal narcotics at the scene.
Further, while assisting on this same accident scene, Officer Sanchez detained a female, [omitted], who showed signs of intoxication. Officer Sanchez released [omitted] and her property to a person noted as responsible without obtaining information from any of the persons involved or documenting this activity in a report.
Additionally, while assisting on this same accident scene, Officer Sanchez encountered two other unidentified citizens (one male and one female). Unrelated to the motor vehicle accident, the male wanted to make an assault report, and the female told Officer Sanchez that the male threw a brick at her. Officer Sanchez told both parties to leave and did not write an offense report. Officer Sanchez inappropriately gave the call for service the disposition of an “N-Code 3.”
These incidents were investigated under SAPD 2022-088746 and SAPD 2022-05360754.
SAPD Letter, Dated November 15, 2022, Signed by Police Chief William P. McManus
Officer Sanchez was given an indefinite suspension.
On November7 ,2021,OfficerPhilipG .Ortiz,Jr. was driving home from a wedding with [omitted]. While enroute to their home, Officer Ortiz pushed [omitted] head into the passenger side window of his vehicle. Officer Ortiz also pulled [omitted] hair. These actions violate Rule and Regulation 3.04C Conduct and Behavior.
After arriving at their home, the physical altercation continued, with Officer Ortiz pushing [omitted] down onto a sofa and pinning her arms down. As the struggle progressed, Officer Ortiz also grabbed [omitted] by her shoulders and slammed her onto the floor, causing her pain and bruising to her arms and head. These actions violate Rule and Regulation 3.04C Conduct and Behavior.
The actions by Officer Ortiz towards [omitted] both in his vehicle and in his residence on November 7, 2021 resulted in Officer Ortiz’s arrest for assault bodily injury family violence. This arrest violated Rule and Regulation 3.04C Conduct and Behavior.
Finally, body worn camera footage and documentation from the scene indicates that Officer Ortiz had been consuming alcoholic beverages and on November 7, 2021 was intoxicated to the extent that he was rendered unfit to report for duty in violation of Rule and Regulation 3.11(B)(Intoxication).
The incident associated with the above facts was investigated under SAPD21222959.
SAPD Letter, Dated November 29, 2022, Signed by Police Chief William P. McManus
Officer Ortiz was given an indefinite suspension.
SAPD Probationary Officer Separated from Employment
Based on [Probationary Officer David Orozco’s] recent performance during [his] probationary period, it has been determined that [he] has not met the fundamental requirements to be a San Antonio Police Officer.
APD Letter, Dated November 29, 2022, Signed by Police Chief William P. McManus
Officer Orozco was separated from employment during probation.
SAPD Officer Suspended for Marijuana Procedures
On April 28, 2022, Officer Bryan J. Fletcher was assisting on a major accident ni the 8200 block of Marbach Road, San Antonio, Texas. While at the scene, Officer Taylor Sanchez, #0149 can be heard on body camera telling Officer Fletcher that one of the persons involved in the accident [omitted] had a felony amount of “Ounces” (meaning marijuana) and that he might arrest him for it. Later during the incident, Officer Fletcher handed [omitted] his information sheet for the accident and stood by while Officer Sanchez spoke to [omitted] and told him to go away. [omitted] walked away with a reported felony amount of marijuana in his backpack and left the scene. Officer Fletcher failed to question either [omitted] about leaving the scene or Officer Sanchez about not arresting [omitted]
This incident was investigated under SAPD 2022-088746.
SAPD Letter, Dated November 9, 2022, Signed by Police Chief William P. McManus
Officer Fletcher agreed to a five day suspension.
SAPD Officer Suspended for Failing to Follow Order
On May 28, 2022, at approximately 2347 hours, on-duty SAPD Officer Jose F. Munoz, #1726 (EPT) was dispatched to a disturbance call located at 1515 S. Gevers, San Antonio, Texas. During the incident, an on-duty SAPD supervisory officer (sergeant) ordered Officer Munoz to place evidence (gun) involved in the case into the property room. Officer Munoz, after being given the lawful order, ignored the order and allowed another officer to place the evidence (gun) into the property room. Officer Munoz failed and/or deliberately disobeyed a lawful order given by an SAPD supervisory officer in violation of rule 3.03(A).
On May 28, 2022, at approximately 2347 hours, on-duty SAPD Officer Munoz, #1726 (EPT) was dispatched to a disturbance call (fight) located at 1515 S. Gevers, San Antonio, Texas. During an administrative investigation, Officer Munoz is seen on body worn camera (BWC) releasing prisoner personal property including a wallet containing a large amount of money and other property (29:30). Officer Munoz failed to properly document in his report the release of the prisoner’s personal prope11y and properly identify the person the property was released to. Officer Munoz failed to use sound judgement when he released prisoner’s personal property without properly documenting the items released and identifying the person receiving the personal property in violation of rule 3.04 RESPONSIBILITY TO SERVE THE PUBLIC.
On May 28, 2022, at approximately 2347 hours, on-duty SAPD Officer Munoz, #1726 (EPT) was dispatched to a disturbance call (fight) located at 1515 S. Gevers, San Antonio, Texas. During an administrative investigation of the incident, it was discovered that Officer Munoz used his assigned patrol vehicle laptop to send a message to another SAPD officer and used a derogatory term when referring to his atTested person (AP). This typed message was captured and recorded on the SAPD Public Safety AVL and Messaging Retrieval System. Officer Munoz’ actions did not conform to the ordinary and reasonable rules of good conduct and behavior and/or brought reproach and discredit on himself and the San Antonio Police Department when he used unnecessary and inappropriate language in a typed message by using a derogatory term when referring to his arrested person (AP) in violation of rule 3.04(C).
SAPD Letter, Dated November 2, 2022, Signed by Police Chief William P. McManus
Officer Munoz was given a sixteen day suspension.
On May 28, 2022, at approximately 2347 hours, on-duty SAPD Officer Chakel Charles, #0045 (EPT) was assigned as a cover officer for a disturbance call (fight) located at 1515 S. Gevers, San Antonio, Texas. During the incident, an on-duty SAPD supervisory officer (sergeant) ordered the handling officer to place evidence (gun) involved in the case into the property room. Officer Charles, who was aware of the order given to the handling officer, ignored the lawful order and instead placed the evidence (gun) into the property room himself. Officer Charles failed and/or deliberately disobeyed a lawful order given by an SAPD supervisory officer in violation of rule 3.03(A).
On May 28, 2022, at approximately 2347 hours, on-duty SAPD Officer Chakel Charles, #0045 (EPT) was assigned as a cover officer for a disturbance call (fight) located at 1515 S. Gevers, San Antonio, Texas. During the incident, an on-duty SAPD supervisory officer (sergeant) ordered the handling officer to place evidence (gun) involved in the case into the property room. Officer Charles, who was aware of the order given to the handling officer, is heard on body worn camera (BWC) recording criticizing the lawful order stating, “I got you bro, there’s not even that many calls holding….I already checked the call screen.” (20:48) “Get the hell out of here, I’ll take it for you, don’t even worry about it.” (24:01) “Even though Sarge was like nah, I need ya’ll, there was like two calls holding bro….there was only two at the time man, so I was like come on man chill.” (29:40). Officer Charles openly made criticizing comments about a lawful order given by an SAPD supervisory officer in violation of Rule 3.03(0).
SAPD Letter, Dated November 2, 2022, Signed by Police Chief William P. McManus
Officer Charles agreed to a thirty day suspension.
SAPD Officer Suspended for Accidental Discharge of Firearm
On or about October 9, 2022, Officer Quinton X. Refinish failed to properly secure his duty weapon in a gun lock box at the Magistrate’s office, causing two rounds to discharge from the weapon (SAPD22220235 and SAPD22220275).
SAPD Letter, Dated November 29, 2022, Signed by Police Chief William P. McManus
Officer Reinish agreed to a one day suspension.
SAPD Officer Suspended Over Lack of Professionalism
On or about September 21, 2022, Officer Kenneth Williams made contact with a vehicle passenger in a DWI Investigation. Officer Williams failed to act professionally and properly care for the personal property obtained (SAPD22205130 and SAPD22205136).
SAPD Letter, Dated November 2, 2022, Signed by Police Chief William P. McManus
Officer Williams agreed to a one day suspension.
SAPD Officer Suspended Over Vehicle Accident
On or about August 7, 2022, at approximately 1:27 p.m., while on duty and operating acity-owned vehicle in the 500 block of S. Frio, Officer Felicia A. Ytuarte negligently struck a vehicle.
SAPD Letter, Dated November 2, 2022, Signed by Police Chief William P. McManus
Officer Ytuarte was given a one day suspension.
On or about August 19, 2022, at approximately 3:12 p.m., while on duty and operating a city-owned vehicle at the intersection of
SAPD Letter, Dated November 2, 2022, Signed by Police Chief William P. McManus
Nevada Street and Connelly Street, Officer Zeth M. Scott negligently struck a vehicle.
Officer Scott was given a one day suspension.
On or about August 27, 2022, at approximately 5:58 p.m., while on duty and operating a city-owned vehicle on the access road in the 1400 block of 410, Officer Jose A. Pena, Jr. negligently struck a concrete barrier.
SAPD Letter, Dated November 28, 2022, Signed by Police Chief William P. McManus
Officer Pena was given a five day suspension.
A Couple of Our Other Reads
You may be interested in reading the October 2022 SAPD suspensions.
Or you may find the September 2022 SAPD suspensions of interest.
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