The Hawk’s Eye – Consulting & News | A Texas News Source

City of Kyle PD Officers Allegedly Falsified Affidavits

The lawsuit filed against the City of Kyle PD officers alleges falsified affidavits, attempted cover-ups, and civil rights violations. The case emphasizes the need for fair investigation and safeguarding all parties’ rights.

Texas DPS Liable in Trooper Complaint Case – 5th Circuit Affirms

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed a decision holding the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) liable in a case brought by five troopers. The troopers alleged violations of the First Amendment and retaliation, leading to a jury finding DPS liable. The court affirmed some decisions, vacated equitable relief, and remanded the case for further proceedings.

Pro Se Cop Files Lawsuit On Prior Department

Retired officer and war veteran Andrew “Andy” Harvey files civil action against Pharr Police Department in Texas. Allegations include unjust actions, brutality, constitutional violations, and police misconduct.