A Veterans Affairs Police Chief files a false report with the Cameron County Sheriff’s Office. Terry J Wallace Senior, previously with the Veterans Affairs Valley Coastal Bend Health Care System (VAVCBHCS) and currently with the South Texas Veterans Health Care System (STVHC) submitted false statement on or about 11/25/2018.

In the report, Wallace falsely claimed a mental health diagnosis. He also falsely claimed a statement related to a ruined marriage. He falsely claimed a military branch of service. He falsely claimed communication to a LinkedIn profile. He falsely claimed communication to his friends and coworkers account. He falsely claimed communication to his spouse. He also submitted false documentation that was taken as authentic. He also communicated with the suspects supervisor while he was in his Federal authority, reference the story “Veterans Affairs Police Authority Exceeded?” for specific process of violation.

In January of 2019, the suspect was arrested at his place of employment and transferred to the Cameron County Jail. The Magistrate advised the suspect he was not charged and the file needed further review by the District Attorney’s Office. No restraining order was issued. Further information on the encounter may be viewed by requesting the Cameron County Magistration audio/video file.

Also, no interview of the suspect, was ever conducted for this allegation. The investigating officer swore that the messages were sent, so one must of intended to harass, this completely misses the first element of the law.

In March of 2019, a new complaint by a Reynaldo J Pineda, an Investigator with the Cameron County District Attorney’s Office was drafted, yet no new arrest warrant was issued for the new charge. In the new complaint, the victim was not clearly identified, it was someone, but they weren’t sure who, as indicated in the language. The complaint was changed from the previous language to add “an obscene comment,” and it was “harming,” yet no explanation was ever provided. The previous investigator was Luis Medieta of the Cameron County Sheriff’s Office.

This is different than the District Attorney’s Office accepting a previous complaint. In the case where the initial complaint would be accepted, the District Attorney would not use their investigator to create a new complaint. They would used the initial complaint and submit an information to the court.
The new complaint was placed into a County Court and the Judge for the Court never reviewed the document to assure Probable Cause existed. When a file is placed within a County Court, the expectation is that a proper magistration has already occurred, yet it never happened. To be clear, it is not the duty of a County Court Judge to review for magistration, based upon process; however, the court staff should review and raise issues.
So, how many other people have a District Attorney Investigator submitting a new complaint to a misdemeanor court, when they were arrested by a previous complaint by another agency?
In this case, the matter of magistration was motioned, but never read by the District Attorney assigned the case. It is also the duty of the District Attorney to notify when someone is not arrested for misdemeanor offenses. It is also their duty for “justice.”

The Judge was never made aware of the lack of magistration. The matter was closed due to a “no contest,” plea. This plea occurred because of the slander, defamation, and libel that was spread before the matter was presented to the District Attorney’s Office.
Because of this lack of “justice,” a complaint was submitted with the Texas Rangers, the US Attorney’s Office, and provided to the Cameron County District Attorney’s Special Investigation and Public Integrity Unit.

A request for comment was submitted to the Cameron County District Attorney’s Office and the Department of Veterans Affairs in Harlingen and San Antonio, a response has yet to be provided. We will update the story once one is made available.