According to the Corpus Christi Police Department Blotter, the Corpus Christi Police Department will be increasing its availability to the community, on the weekends. The move comes as the Corpus Christi Police Department will attempt to solve a common problem faced by many law enforcement agencies throughout Texas; the ability to effectively manage calls for service.
In an effort to provide superior service to our community, the Corpus Christi Police Department will be adding additional resources to our telephone reporting unit on the weekends.
Per Senior Officer Gena Pena
The telephone reporting unit is used to report crimes where an officers presence is not immediately needed. This does not mean the caller will not speak with an officer. It just means the officer may not need to make an appearance.
You still call the Police Department, as you would for any matters appropriate for its response, but the dispatchers will determine the following:
- The call is not in progress,
- There is no imminent danger,
- There is no felony type offense being committed, and
- The call does not involve suspected criminal acts against minor children, sexual contact, or burglaries to a bulling or residence.
If the call does not fall into any one of the categories identified, per, the dispatcher will log the callers information into the system and a police officer will call the caller back to assist with the report.
These additional resources are being made in an effort to maintain good service and to reduce the response time for in progress calls.
Per Senior Officer Gena Pena
One may not believe it, but this type of framework is innovative. Eventually, this type of call response could be a two way meeting through a secure video connection. It could allow the caller to provide video or photo data to the officer, without the officer ever having to arrive on scene.
Technology can truly change how police can engage the community and respond to its needs. Taking a step of this nature, and increasing the availability may allow for officers to respond, on scene, to truly emergent matters. This may allow for a better equipped and a more available department.
It may also allow for the community to have alternative options to resolve its concerns of public safety, which may also allow for privacy, and security of the caller; as someone that would usually not want to report something, based upon the need of an officer to be present and its perception, may be incline to pursue a call of this type.
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