We are curious to the public display of a private business related e-mail address the Mayor of Harlingen uses for Government Business.
The biography reflects a law practice and the practice still seems active. So many other people, within the City of Harlingen Government, are using government email accounts; so, why is the Mayor using a non-government email account? Also, is it not the Mayor’s duty to enforce laws of the municipality? So, wouldn’t an “ordinance,” be a law?
It seems there is a lack of “enforcement,” of his own conduct.
Here is the first part of the website:

The second picture shows a bank his spouse works at, and her title. Does the bank name really need to be displayed? For you to see:

So, what does the City of Harlingen Ordinance say? It says the following:

Here is what the Texas Penal Code says about Abuse of Official Capacity:

So, there is a “law,” by “ordinance,” when it exceeds “minimal,” use and this has been posted, as displayed above, for many years. Would that exceed the “minimal,” use standard? And, does this create a violation of law of “office,” or “employment?”
If the latter, then the statue of limitations does not start to count until the information is no longer displayed on government website.
What are your thoughts?
Mayor Boswell is the only member of the legislative body with his official law firm office displayed with a law firm email address.
How many have clicked the link for referral services from the City of Harlingen webpage?

A complaint has been submitted to the Cameron County District Attorney’s Office.