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Princeton Police Chief Separated from Employment

Princeton Police Chief Separated from Employment


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Princeton Police Chief Separated from Employment

Mark Moyle was appointed the Princeton Police Department Police Chief on or about February 4, 2019. The search for the new Police Chief occurred between May 2018 and January 2019 and Moyle was selected to be the next Police Chief of the Princeton Police Department in January 2019.

Moyle had prior law enforcement employment with the neighboring city of McKinney. During Moyle’s employment in McKinney he was promoted to lieutenant and had about 28 years of law enforcement service prior to his appointment with the Princeton Police Department.

On or around October of 2022, James Waters was identified as the Interim Police Chief for the Princeton Police Department. Prior to Moyle being appointed as Chief, Waters resigned from the role citing the growth of the City was to much for him to perform the scope of that office.

Prior Princeton Police Chief Files for Unemployment

Sometime around December 5, 2022, the City of Princeton received a request from the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) to determine if Moyle was eligible for unemployment benefits.

On or about December 20, 2022, TWC issues a letter stating that Moyle was not eligible for benefits because their investigation found the City of Princeton fired Moyle for actions which amounted to insubordination. It is unclear of Moyle has filed an appeal to the TWC.

What is clear is that Moyle did filed for retirement on or about November 29, 2022.

City of Princeton’s Response to the Unemployment Claim

On or about December 8, 2022, the City of Princeton responded to Moyle’s request for benefits through TWC. In the response to Moyle’s TWC claim, the City of Princeton states the following:

Moyle was placed on paid administrative leave and given notice that an administrative investigation would be conducted. He was also offered a separation agreement. He was given time to consider the separation agreement prior to the administrative investigation being conducted.

Police Officers were [going] to Mr. Borg [City Manager] with complaints of insubordination by Moyle. The final incident was a Lieutenant witnessing Moyle saying disparaging remarks about Mr. Borg to the PISD Superintendent.

TWC, Employer Response Review and Submit Response, December 8, 2022, Lesia Gronemeier, ACM/Dir HR

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