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Prior Bishop Police Officer Indicted and Convicted Over Misuse of Official Information

Prior Bishop Police Officer Indicted and Convicted Over Misuse of Official Information


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Prior Bishop Police Officer Indicted and Convicted Over Misuse of Official Information

The Cameron County District Attorney’s Office secured two convictions for Texas Penal Code 39.06(b)(1-2), Misuse of Official Information; which states:

(b) A public servant commits an offense of with intent to obtain a benefit or with intent to harm or defraud another, he disclosed or uses information for a nongovernmental purpose that: (1) he has access to by means of his office or employment; and (2) has not been made public. … an offense under this section is a felony of the third degree.

Alfredo Avalos was employed as a Bishop Police Officer and had the title of lieutenant during the convicted actions.

Bishop Police Officer Indicted in 2021

Felonies in Texas have a statute of limitations of at least three years. Many felonies have a longer statute of limitations. In this case, Avalos misused his office on or about the 20th day of October, 2019. Specifically stated in the two count indictment is the following:


THE GRAND JURORS, for the County of Cameron, State of Texas, duly organized, upon their oaths in the 103rd Judicial District Court, for the July 2021 Term, present that ALFREDO AVALOS, II A/K/A ALFREDO AVALOS, hereinafter called the Defendant, on or about the 20TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2019, and anterior to the presentment of this indictment, in the County of Cameron and State of Texas, did then and there, with intent to obtain a benefit and harm and defraud another, intentionally or knowingly use for a non-governmental purpose information to which the Defendant had access because of the Defendant’s office and employment as a public servant, namely, Lieutenant with the Bishop Police Department, and which information had not been made public, to-wit: used the Texas Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (TLETS) to get information on a white Hyundai 2 door vehicle that was parked in a driveway of a person in Brownsville, Cameron County, Texas.


AND THE GRAND JURORS AFORESAID, upon their Oaths in said Court, do further present ALFREDO AVALOS, II A/K/A ALFREDO AVALOS, hereinafter called the Defendant, on or about the 20TH DAY OF OCTOBER, 2019, and anterior to the presentment of this indictment, in the County of Cameron and State of Texas, did then and there, with intent to obtain a benefit and harm and defraud another, intentionally or knowingly use for a non-governmental purpose information to which the Defendant had access because of the Defendant’s office and employment as a public servant, namely, Lieutenant with the Bishop Police Department, and which information had not been made public, to-wit: used the Texas Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (TLETS) to get information on a red Nissan 4 door vehicle that was parked in a driveway of a person in Brownsville, Cameron County, Texas.

Bishop Police Officer Found Guilty by Jury for Betraying the Badge

As captioned by the Cameron County DA’s Office, “Officer Found Guilty by Jury for Betraying the Badge.” On August 26, 2022, in the 404th Judicial Court of Cameron County, Avalos was found guilty by a jury after a one-week trial.

Avalos was sentenced by Judge Ricardo Adobatti to 4 years probation and a $1,000 fine to be paid within the first two years of the sentence.

Luis V. Saenz, the Cameron County District Attorney, was quoted as saying:

Thank you jury for showing, while we respect and support law enforcement, no one is above the law, and an officer will be held accountable when they break the law.

A Couple of Our Other Reads

You may be interested in reading about the prior Cameron County District Attorney’s unregistered private investigation company.

Or you may find our story on a prior judicial candidate filing a slander lawsuit on his prior Cameron County Magistrate Court staff.

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