Recently, a citizen filed two Petitions for Mandamus Relief in two separate District Courts. The first, was filed in the Cameron County District Court and provides for a clear connection to the second filing in the Hays County District Court.
The first mandamus alleges members of the City of Harlingen Police Department, worked with an unidentified man, and another woman to conduct a campaign of Federal Stalking towards the filer.

In July of 2018, the City of Harlingen, Public Information Office “tagged,” on Facebook, Larry Moore and Daniel Villarreal; however, the Daniel Villarreal they tagged was not their Chief Villarreal, but another person the City of Harlingen will not identify.

The person pictured above was seen stalking the filer on multiple occasions. What he doesn’t realize about the US Army Ranger story he used is that it involved a person who applied for employment with the Department of Veterans Affairs in Bonham, Texas. The story was identical to the person that worked with the filer. It was recited over and over at Gold’s Gym, while the filer worked out at Gold’s Gym in Harlingen, Texas between 2012-2015. That person, who worked with the filer, was arrested in Arkansas, after he fled Bonham, Texas. He was arrested for lying to obtain his government employment and other items.

On October 9, 2018, the filer contacted the Public Information Office of the City of Harlingen Police Department. He questioned their motives, and requested they take a complaint from the filer. They never did, nor did they ever respond. Most recently, the actions of the mandamus filed in Cameron County has resulted in one of the alleged individuals to be fired from his employment; after attempting to, what appears, deceiving people to receive it.
The interesting thing about “tagging,” Larry Moore, of the same unit, was the allegations in the mandamus about his actions, and who he was with during such interaction written in the mandamus.
The conduct connects to the City of Kyle Police Chief. This is evident by an email chain providing in the filing which shows a direct connection of Chief Jeff Barnett with the filers employment at Gold’s Gym in San Antonio, Texas. This connection exists because of a Federal Lawsuit Glen Hurlston filed on Chief Barnett. The lawsuit caused Chief Barnett to procure representation and the representation he procured was the same representation that separated the filer from his employment from Gold’s Gym in 2019.

Kimberly Beth Herbert was the attorney Chief Barnett used in his Federal Civil Rights defense. That is the lawsuit where Dr. Hurlston filed a complaint expressing conduct similar to what this filer has alleged, but the difference is how Chief Barnett responded in this cause versus the cause Dr. Hurlston filed. They are, in more ways than anyone will realize without looking at the details, almost identical in a planned sequence of events. The idea was always the same, to get someone to violate a protective order, but there was never one issued on the filer.
Seeing a common theme, between the events at Gold’s Gym in Harlingen, Texas and the filers employment with Gold’s Gym in San Antonio, Texas, the filer made a complaint to Gold’s Gym leadership and was assigned Chief Barnett’s legal counsel; even after, the filer expressed the concerns related to Chief Barnett.

The interesting thing is how this matter connects to a previous Cameron County District Attorney. Everyone should remember the one that was convicted of racketeering. Everyone probably did not know that his brother Alex Villalobos worked for Texas State University in Hays County. Alex Villalobos was also the Chief Chief of Staff for Hays County until he resigned under allegations of improprieties. Alex Villalobos was also a City Counsel Member for the City of Kyle.
Everyone will not know what the filer has to provide in legal process, but know there is a connection and the connection also leads to a Department of Veterans Affairs Police Chief named Terry Jay Wallace. This is where two criminal cases of “harassment,” blend together. Both cases are false and used to perfect a scheme of racketeering towards the filer. The goal was to deflect their own issues and make the filer the issue.
Chief Wallace and the filer were co-workers at the Department of Veterans Affairs in Harlingen, Texas between 2010-2015. 2015 is when the City of Rowlett went to the Rio Grande Valley (RGV) and got their travel records seized. It is also when the filer left the Department of Veterans Affairs and has had his employment impacted, ever since.

This is also, where the Department of Veterans Affairs claims the filer has a “colorful past,” as claimed by one of Chief Wallace’s coworkers in Harlingen, Texas.

The City of Rowlett matters because a lot of what is being done is what the filers father would do to the filer when he was growing up. More specifically, the filers father use to wiretap the filer and record all his phone calls when he was in high school. There is more to explain, but for now, this is what we will provide to you. Believe what you want, but slandering, defaming, and performing libelous acts towards the filer does not change the facts presented. None of which can be disputed beyond people requesting to see evidence, so we present enough to show you that actions have occurred towards the filer.. The rest is for those that perform a proper government job to receive.
Again, there is a lot more to provide and many of our publishings already have connective reasons, but the reader will need to read them to find out more.