Just received, the 3rd COA has denied a motion for contempt of court BEFORE the ten day waiting period it was supposed to wait before decision.

AMaybe this means the Habeas application will be accepted in the near future. The complaint on the matter is still pending with the Travis County District Attorney’s Office.

This also means the Court can use the order it received to render judgment. A question answered through the motion process.
It should be noted, the reply brief filed in the cause already used the order the court also agreed to use; however, it was before the court actually ordered the Hays County Court at Law to provide the order. The main component of the contempt motion dealt with the superstar employee not provided the 3rd Court of Appeals the “certification of the defendants appeal rights,” which was provided after the initial contempt motion was filed.
As such, this does not mean there are not concerns which need to be addressed, as it relates to the superstar employee, it simply means the court is not concerned about it because they obtained what they needed to render a decision. Again, the information needed was received after the contempt motion was filed.