Some may wonder the quality of review conducted by TCOLE Enforcement Unit; especially, when citizens have a dire concern with a peace officer. Well, it might surprise you to find out, one may be able to do a more proper and thorough review through the Texas Public Information Act (TPIA).
Here is the TCOLE Enforcement Units response to two peace officers, one is Jeffrey B Barnett of Kyle Police Department and the other is David R Mayne of the Rowlett Police Department. The unnamed officer is Steven J Ferrie of the Rowlett Police Department.

As it relates to the “Police Agency,” and the government, for Jeffrey B Barnett, we present a Separation Agreement providing a confirmed date that is before 5/2011.

As for Jeffrey B Barnett’s course work, we present a certificate with a different name than the one on the transcript and a jailer certification, not listed on the transcript, issued during a a few peace officer training courses. Oh, and there is no C-1 form on file for creation of Barnett’s training number, known as a PID.

Combine the transcript, the name, the separation agreement, with another TCOLE document, no C-1, and it makes one wonder, what was Barnett doing? Is he properly certified? Is he using friendships to pass him off as a peace officer? What kind of review did TCOLE Enforcement Unit actually complete? These document references someone that isn’t even with Camp County Constables, it’s a countywide office with only one precinct.

Public records that were received through the TPIA process are so telling. Aren’t they? So why didn’t the TCOLE Enforcement Unit catch all these flags? Was anyone influenced?
Oh, we forgot to provide the Personal Service Record (PSR) for the initial training; which shows ZERO hours and other trainings that would be included in the “Peace Officer sequence,” of courses:

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