On July 14, 2021, The State Bar of Texas issued a judgement of disbarment on Christina E. Pagano, of Austin. The effective date of the disbarment was July 8, 2021.
The State Bar of Texas provided the following information on the complaint it received:
“An evidentiary panel of the District 9 Grievance Committee found that Pagano contacted law enforcement on May 3, 2018, and filed charges against her roommate, alleging he had taken her vehicle without her consent.
On or about May 7, 2018, the complainant, who is a licensed Texas attorney, was appointed to represent Pagano’s roommate on a charge of unauthorized use of a motor vehicle.
The following day, Pagano visited her roommate in the Travis County Correctional Complex and represented she was his attorney, without the consent of the complainant.
The roommate was granted a personal bond on May 10, 2018, which listed Pagano as the attorney of record.
Pagano took these actions even though she was the victim in the criminal proceedings against her roommate and he was represented by the complainant at the time,” per the Bar report.
You can see the complete list of State Bar of Texas actions published one November 1, 2021, HERE.