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Exposed: Deception in Background Investigation Leads to Comal County Sheriff’s Office Employment

Exposed: Deception in Background Investigation Leads to Comal County Sheriff’s Office Employment


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Former Texas DPS employee Thomas Lambert faced disciplinary actions. Despite these, he joined the Comal County Sheriff’s Office. Public records expose potential background investigation discrepancies.

Exposed: Deception in Background Investigation Leads to Comal County Sheriff’s Office Employment

Exposed: Deception in Background Investigation Leads to Comal County Sheriff’s Office Employment

We previously published a story involving a former Texas Department of Public Safety (TxDPS) employee assigned to the Ranger Division who was involved in an incident with a fellow trooper. In that incident, it was alleged and substantiated that Thomas Lambert assaulted his coworker with his government vehicle. The incident led to a minor suspension. He pleaded to his leadership that he received a job offer to work for the Comal County Sheriff’s Office and did not want to have a bad separation from TxDPS.

TxDPS obliged Lambert and settled with a measly three (3) day suspension for discourtesy towards a coworker and assault causing bodily injury to the same coworker. Lambert was able to avoid a negative separation and retired from TxDPS on December 31, 2023.

Comal County Sheriff’s Office Applicant Had Other Undisclosed TxDPS Discipline

Interestingly enough, this was not the first time Lambert had been disciplined by TxDPS. He was disciplined in 2009. During that time, Lambert was accused of being involved in a minor traffic collision where he engaged in a verbal confrontation with another driver and used racial slurs. It was alleged he was uncooperative, belligerent, and threatening towards U.S. Customs and Border Protection Officers while they conducted an inspection of his vehicle. It was further alleged he was in possession of an open alcoholic beverage container while riding as a passenger in his personal vehicle and he was in a public place while intoxicated.

Lambert was disciplined for the 2009 incident on every count except the allegation he engaged in a verbal confrontation with another driver and used a racial slur. He was given four (4) days off after he appealed the original ten (10) day suspension and six (6) month disciplinary probation.

Comal County Sheriff’s Office Applicant Discloses Assaultive Conduct

Lambert indicated he served in the United States Marine Corp (USMC) from 1988 through 1992. He stated he was reduced in his rank for his conduct off duty. Specifically, Lambert cites a matter where he was involved in a physical confrontation with another person. He stated that in April 1989 he “got in to a fight off duty and was demoted a rank.”

Comal County Sheriff’s Applicant Submits Personal History Statement for Employment

We fast-forward to January 2024, where Lambert decided to apply to the Comal County Sheriff’s Office. In order to obtain employment with the Comal County Sheriff’s Office, Lambert had to complete a Personal History Statement (PHS) and have a background investigation completed in accordance with the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE). As to be expected, the standard to hire someone in law enforcement is much higher than employment in other professions or even the private sector work, in most cases. This should be expected based upon the expectations of citizens.

The PHS required by TCOLE is a lengthy document that goes over a prospective applicant’s whole adult life. It obtains personal information on the applicant, requests information on relatives and references, reviews educational achievements, residences, employment, finances, legal matters, motor vehicle operations, and social media sites. It gets very detailed and has many yes or no questions related to various matters of concern. At the end of this document, the applicant certifies to the truthfulness of the answers provided. The document is generally notarized.

Lambert appears to indicate answers which may show a form of deception based on the released disciplinary records from TxDPS. Here are some of the questions and answers certified by Lambert:

  • Have you ever been disciplined at work?
    • Yes, “”July 2023 – [Lambert] was stopped while on duty and was found to be unprofessional with the trooper that stopped [him]. Received 3 days off without pay.”
  • Were you ever involved in a physical/verbal altercation with a supervisor, co-worker or customer?
    • No
  • Have you EVER been detained for investigation, held on suspicion, questioned, fingerprinted, arrested, indicted, criminally charged or convicted of any misdemeanor or felony offense in this state or in any other legal jurisdiction (including offenses punishable under the Uniformed Code of Military Justice)?
    • No
  • Within the past seven years OR at any time after you were first employed in law enforcement, have you ever committed ay of the following misdemeanors?
    • Assault (use of force or violence upon another)
      • No
    • Drunk in public (being so intoxicated in a public place that you’re not able to care for yourself).
      • No
    • Hit and run collision (no injuries)
      • No
  • At any time in your life, have you ever committed any of the following?
    • Assault with a deadly weapon
      • No
    • Hit and run (with injuries)
      • No
  • Have you ever been involved as a driver in a motor vehicle accident within the past seven years?
    • No
  • Since the age of 17, have you ever been involved in any anger-provoked physical fight, confrontation or other violent act?
    • No
  • Have you ever had a social media site (i.e. Facebook, My Space, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.)? List all social media sites, blogs, and/or websites you have created. Provide website URL and your username.
    • Unanswered

Comal County Sheriff’s Office Background Investigator Clears Lambert for Employment

It is unknown what was disclosed during the interview portion of the process with Lambert; however, if anything was disclosed, it should have generated modifications to the answers Lambert initially certified to be true and correct. Instead, there is no mention of any findings associated with answers which may need to be amended. In summary, Deputy Angel Gomez states the following:

I, Deputy Angel Gomez #366 was assigned a background investigation for THOMAS EDWARD LAMBERT JR. THOMAS is applying for a position with the Comal County Sheriff’s Office (CCSO). THOMAS currently resides in [redacted]. The supervisor I was able to establish contact with from THOMAS’s previous places of employment informed me that THOMAS served as a Sergeant on the Region 6 Special Response Team. His duties included serving high-risk warrants, manhunts, responding to critical incidents, barricading subjects, and hostage situations. He also conducted tactical border operations, operating with a team to interdict • smugglers. [redacted] He did not detect any circumstances that would disqualify THOMAS from employment with CCSO.

Tom Lambert did successfully receive an Honorable Discharge from the United States Marine Corps. I spoke to THOMAS’s references, neighbors, previous employers as well as other sources. The sources that I established contact with did not have anything negative to say about THOMAS. THOMAS appears to be held in high regard by his former and current workplace. THOMAS was described by multiple sources to be hard working, likeable, level-headed and dependable.

I was unable to detect any unexplained discrepancies, false statements, or omissions in THOMAS’s personal history statement. I did not detect any criminal/legal history (or any other information) during my investigation that would disqualify THOMAS for employment with the CCSO.

Upon completion of this background investigation for applicant THOMAS, I recommend that he advance in the hiring process.

Gomez also states that he was unable to locate any social media accounts for Lambert; however, a quick name search reveals that Lambert has, at least, a LinkedIn page.

Texas Public Information Act Records Expose Potential Discrepancies, False Statements or Omissions

Interestingly enough, the Texas Public Information Act (TPIA) allows for citizens to obtain various pieces of public information on the government. This includes information on government employees and elected officials. Obviously there are certain things that are not considered public, but Texas grants citizens a right to access government records.

A simple request to TxDPS has shown the PHS of Lambert to be potentially discrepant with false statements or omissions. Although Comal County should have obtained Lambert’s personnel record before hiring him, it appears they must not have, since none of the publicly releasable information was included in our request for Lambert’s background investigation. There is no mention of it being reviewed or considered.

The information disclosed seems to indicate an anger issue when things do not go his way. There are three examples. Once when he was in the USMC and twice while employed with TxDPS. Each time, a verbal or physical altercation ensued. The most recent incident resulted in bodily injury to a coworker where Lambert seems to brush it off as a cordial dispute.

We reached out to the Comal County Sheriff’s Office at the email designated for Mark Reynolds. We have yet to receive a response and the request was made weeks ago.


The content provided in this publication is for educational and informational purposes only. The Hawk’s Eye – Consulting & News strives to deliver accurate and impactful stories. However, readers are advised to seek professional legal counsel and guidance for their specific legal inquiries and concerns. The publication does not assume any responsibility for actions taken by individuals based on the information presented.

Additionally, while every effort is made to ensure the reliability of the information, the publication does not warrant the completeness, accuracy, or timeliness of the content. Readers are encouraged to verify any legal information with official sources and to use their discretion when interpreting and applying the information provided.

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