On November 2, 2021, the Cameron County District Attorney’s Office, by and through the Administrative First Assistant, Edward A. Sandoval, submitted a “State’s Notice of Collateral Consequence of Conviction,” in Cause 2021-DCR-2482, styled The State of Texas v. Minerva Pena; which is filed within the 404th Judicial District of Cameron County.
Minerva Pena was recently indicted for one count of nepotism. It is claimed that she had some form of involvement in the hiring process of a relative.

The notice goes into the impact of a conviction on an elected official, such as the Brownsville ISD Trustee. It states the government code which identifies a conviction related to official misconduct is a element to remove such type of elected individual from office.

It appears this Class C Misdemeanor can have a wide reaching consequences, if convicted. The Cameron County DA’s Office seems to be interested in assuring the outcome (if convicted) results in the effect.