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Cameron County DA Files Late Motion in Habeas Corpus Appeal

Cameron County DA Files Late Motion in Habeas Corpus Appeal


On April 15, 2021, an appeal for Habeas Corpus Relief was filed with the Thirteenth Court of Appeals, under cause 13-21-00101-CR.

On August 16, 2021, the appellant filed his brief for review of the Trial Courts decision. The matter was then, “ready to set,” allowing the Cameron County District Attorney’s Office the twenty one days to file a reply brief.

After the time to file a reply expired, the Cameron County District Attorney filed a “Motion to Leave” and a “Letter Brief,” as one document to request extension to file, and the file they’d like to submit.

The Letter Brief listed “John Chambers,” as the appellant, and not John D Ferrara. The letter is below so one may read it.

After the Cameron County District Attorney’s Office filed this motion, they also decided to mail the appellant a copy rather than e-serve the document. As such, the appellant always checking the cause noticed the filing and submitted a reply. The reply is below.

Now, the 13th Court of Appeals will have to review the late filing and the reply to such filing. The Trial Court case has been a mess since it started; hopefully, the Court will render an opinion in the near future, but we have been told it could be a couple months, depending on severity of other cases (as priorities).

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