UPDATE, on November 17, 2020, we were provided confirmation from TCOLE that Dallas Security Force was an approved school, as of August 3, 1983. There are many who attended before its approval. The story still has valid components. It is upon the government to provide truthful information within Open Records requests.
We wrote a story on the agency Dallas Love Field and we found out more information about the agency employed at the airport.
There are still some items to obtain, but we feel it’s important to mention the difficulty we are having to obtain very simple records from the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE).
Do we think it’s the whole department? No, we believe (based upon our experience in compliance and oversight) there are a select few people employed with the agency which may not be performing their duties appropriately.
What are we requesting? Something very simple to tell us. Was Dallas Security Force an approved school for Basic Peace Officer Certification?
Previously, we received information it was not a school, so why the repeat request? Because, if it is not a school then there are current peace officers who are not properly certified.
Maybe this is why some in TCOLE are providing resistance to our request for Texas Public Information Act (TPIA) Information.
Here is the law:

Here is a F6 document, which is no longer an active form:

What’s missing? The “Academy Number.” I’d provide you the responses from TCOLE on my request for proof Dallas Security Force was a real academy, but we’d all have a good laugh at how they are dodging the simplest of questions.
Again, here is what we received in a previous request:

So, is Dallas Security Force a real School? Did the City of Dallas approve the 100+ employees in 1973 to ALL be peace officers, so they could change them all to Public Safety Officers in the 1980s?
The City of Dallas is on a COVID hold or we would already have their information too.