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Final Felony Conviction for Cameron County Sheriff Candidate – John Chambers? APPEAL CONFIRMS MISDEMEANORS

Final Felony Conviction for Cameron County Sheriff Candidate – John Chambers? APPEAL CONFIRMS MISDEMEANORS


We recently decided to look and see who the Republican Candidate for the Cameron County Sheriff’s Office.

To our surprise, we noticed it was John Chambers, a individual who recently had convictions of State Jail Felonies for Tampering with Government Records.

Most recently, Luis Saenz, the District Attorney for Cameron County posted, on his professional Facebook page, an appeals decision:

In review of such information we located the Facebook page of John Chambers election campaign:

In review of this information, we know an appeal happened, so the initial application may not of violated the State Election Code:

But now, we are curious if the appeal is considered final, and if State Jail Felony would qualify.

And for clarification, the portion of pardon or disability, requires documentation from the government. There is no need to debate such language if there is no documentation to reference; it as a matter of EXEMPTION to the final conviction.

UPDATE: it appears there has been clarification related to the publishing and an article by the Brownsville Hearld has the explanation.

Court of Appeals shows the convictions to be misdemeanors making Chambers eligible to run. The next hurdle would be a waiver from TCOLE.

Read our opinion on the legal argument surrounding the case.

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