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Prior Williamson County Constable Gary Griffin Circulated a Conflicting Story About a Hays County Judge Candidate Mark Jones

Prior Williamson County Constable Gary Griffin Circulated a Conflicting Story About a Hays County Judge Candidate Mark Jones


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Prior Williamson County Constable Circulated a Conflicting Story About a Hays County Judge Candidate

On or about September 27, 2022, prior Hays County Sheriff Candidate Alex Villalobos posted a public image on his Facebook account showing a google drive document which has a case investigation from prior Williamson County Constable Gary Griffin.

On or about October 12, 2022, Alex Villalobos posted a statement from Gary Griffin to the Hays County Criminal District Attorney’s Office. The letter addressed to current District Attorney Wes Mau. The letter was dated October 10, 2022.

On October 12, 2022, Wes Mau replied to Gary Griffin. The reply shows conflicting information from the letter written by Griffin to Mau.

NOTE: Gary Griffin was a longtime Constable in Williamson County. He later became appointed under Hays County Constable Ray Helms. The matter of concern is dated during a time Gary Griffin was working as a Hays County Deputy Constable.

Letter to Wes Mau From Gary Griffin Claims a Felonious Act by Hays County Judge Candidate Mark Jones

In the first paragraph of the letter,addressed to Wes Mau from Gary Griffin, it states:

I am extremely troubled that a serious felony, committed by sitting Hays County Commissioner has gone ignored, and I am writing to again ask your office to examine the facts of the investigation as recommended by the Texas Rangers

Part of Gary Griffin’s letter to Wes Mau, Dated October 10, 2022.

The letter goes on to bring up the Travis County Commissioner Court matter where the Hays County Commissioners Court voted to approve a project without any real inquiry to those providing information to the Court by the remaining voting parties.

My recall of this incident was made very clear when I observed Commissioner Jones lie about his engagement with Travis County officials last month, which resulted in the entirety of their Commissioners Court issuing a letter to correct his false public statement.

Part of Gary Griffin’s letter to Wes Mau, Dated October 10, 2022.

In conclusion the letter states the following:

Due to several years of neglect on this case, and the threat of Commissioner Jones assuming even more power in the weeks ahead despite his felonious conduct for which he remains unpunished, I am sending this letter to regional media, as well.

Part of Gary Griffin’s letter to Wes Mau, Dated October 10, 2022.

Wes Mau Responds to Gary Griffins Claims With Conflicting to the Facts Assumed by Griffin

Wes Mau writes the following to Gary Griffin:

Your memory and your understanding of the law are incorrect. The document signed by Mark Jones identified Mr. Kohl ER as an “Honorably Retired Constable” and indicated his date of retirement on the back, along with other identifying information. It did not purport to authorize Kohler to carry a firearm, nor certify that he was qualified to do so. There is nothing in the document that is false or fraudulent so the tampering with government records statute was not violated (You should also be aware that the statute of limitations for tampering with government records is three years, not ten). The Rangers did present a case to us, and Kohler’s unlawful carry of a firearm was handled by us in due course, but at no time did the Rangers encourage prosecution of Mark Jones. As I recall, this was made clear to you at the time.

Mr. Kohler was a peace officer for many, many years, and he was committing no crime prior to your encounter with him other than openly carrying his firearm as he had been accustomed for decades. My office deferred prosecution of the case while Mr. Kohler obtained his concealed carry permit (a permit which I’m sure you are aware he no longer needs given the change in the open carry laws). No person was harmed and no person improperly profited from the conduct. Your characterization of this incident as a “wild injustice” gives new meaning to the term hyperbole. If you can provide me with the email addresses for the “regional media” to whom you copied your letter, I would be glad to contact them to disabuse them of the errors your letter promotes.

DA Wes Mau response to Gary Griffin’s letter (email dated October 12, 2022.

Is Alex Villalobos “the Pot Calling the Kettle Black?”

It should be noted that Alex Villalobos use to own and operate a private investigation company that he had no state license to run. He also owned this business with his felony indicted and convicted brother Armando Villalobos; whom was the prior Cameron County District Attorney.

Further, Alex Villalobos, as identified by the “regional media,” left his employment under current Hays County Judge Ruben Becerra while alleged to have tampered with government records related to time and attendance.

A Couple of Our Other Reads

You may be interested in reading about the Hays County Commissioners Court oversight related to the Constable budgets.

Or you may find our story on conflicting statements by current Hays County Judge Ruben Becerra of interest.

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