We recently learned that Hays County Court at Law #1, the Honorable Judge Robert Updegrove has recused himself in a bad file by the Travis County Pro Tem.

The case involves a small town Police Chief thinking it is stalking and harassment to conduct open record requests on him and his government status.
The case took a turn when the Travis County Attorney’s Office testified under two tribunals that no felonies exist.
Now the Third Administrative Judicial Region has assigned a new Presiding Judge to the cause.

Most recently, the defendant was notified that service of summon has been mailed for an arraignment hearing where no magistrate review has been conducted.
The defendant also has a pending Habeas Corpus appeal because the judge in the second tribunal did not dismiss the bad warrant.
It looks as though the Hays County Government is trying to eliminate any perception that they have been or can be influenced.
This is a strong step for proper justice, we will be interested in seeing what the Presiding Judge determines.