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Separation Form (F-5) and TCOLE, Are They Accurate?

Separation Form (F-5) and TCOLE, Are They Accurate?


We recently watched a news story by WOAI San Antonio about the F-5 document and we found there to be conflicting information in the story.

The F-5 is a document which is submitted to the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement (TCOLE), ending ones tenure with a department.

The Executive Director of TCOLE advised (probably at the word of another person within TCOLE) the process needs revamping because the peace officer can always appeal the decision and it can be changed.

It was brought up as a reason for gypse cops and we believe this to be not correct.

In review of the State Office of Administrative Hearings (SOAH), we noticed it is not all inclusive of problem officers getting a change in F-5.

Our concern is that an agency is not providing proper documentation to TCOLE and TCOLE never reviews it.

Take a look at the docket history for the past few years or more and see if any names you believe were separated other than “honorably,” or by separation agreement are listed in an appeal:

TCOLE – SOAH Report (7/5/2020)

You may notice missing names. The legislation is already in existence and we believe the language does not need to change, the proper application of process should be utilized.

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