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TABC Officer Resigns to Avoid Discipline
The Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) is a state agency focused on “regulating a responsible and compliant alcoholic beverage industry.” TABC has been around since 1935. Prior to 1970 it was known as the Texas Liquor Control Board.
TABC employees agents that are commissioned peace officers. These agents have statewide jurisdiction to enforce the Alcoholic Beverage Code. The code regulates all phases of business in the alcoholic beverage industry.
TABC agents have a primary mission to investigate public safety violations: human trafficking, intoxication-related violations, age-related violations, breaches of the peace, prohibited hours violations, and drug offenses.
TABC Agent Submits Resignation
TABC Sergeant Carlos Navarro Jr., submitted his resignation to his employer on December 15, 2022. Navarro, a tenured employee with over ten years of service, indicates he was resigning to relocate to the Rio Grande Valley. He stated he requested a transfer in October 2021 and requested a demotion to relocate. TABC denied his transfer request.
TABC Document Allegations of Misconduct
Although Navarro resigned, TABC indicates misconduct may have contributed to the resignation. Specifically, on October 13, 2022, TABC received an anonymous complaint. The complaint alleges that on September 23, 2022, Navarro gave poor supervisory directions and provided untruthful information during an investigation involving an intoxicated driver collision.
TABC claims Navarro contacted agents under his supervision, who were witnesses. During these contacts, Navarro, attempted to persuade his subordinates to give untruthful information to the Office of Inspector General (OIG), about the investigation.
The investigation was ongoing through December 15, 2022, where Navarro was accused of untruthful statements and attempted witness tampering. TABC indicates new and egregious information was discovered so Navarro was to be relieved of his duties on December 21, 2022. However, he submitted his resignation and requested he be provided an Honorable Discharge on his TCOLE F5 in exchange for his resignation. TABC denied his request and Navarro still submitted his resignation.
Based on a preliminary review of the information, Sgt. Navarro’s conduct was unacceptable. Had the investigation continued, I am confident that the final determination would have been termination. Due to the egregiousness of the behavior, Sgt. Navarro should not be considered eligible for rehire with TABC.
Inter-Office Communication, from Brandy Norris, Chief of Law Enforcement, TABC, dated January 17, 2023
TABC Agent Appeals His F5
Navarro has submitted his appeal to the State Office of Administrative Hearings (SOAH) on February 13, 2023. The appeal is to change the agency decision on his F5. These proceedings are private and the public generally does not find out the conclusion of the decision unless it is disclosed in other areas of government record.
A Couple of Our Other Reads
You may be interested in our publishing on two State Board of Pharmacy officers resigning to avoid termination.
Or you may find our publishing on the discipline history of the VIA Metropolitan Transit Police, of interest.
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