A San Antonio Doctor has agreed to be publicly reprimanded by the Texas Medical Board (TMB) and to reimburse a patient under his care. the full summary is here:
“Garcia, Ronald K., M.D., Lic. No. H2394, San Antonio
On June 12, 2020, the Board and Ronald K. Garcia, M.D., entered into an Agreed Order publicly reprimanding Dr. Garcia and requiring him to within 90 days reimburse the patient of the principal amount still owed to the patient, less interest; within one year and three attempts pass the Medical Jurisprudence Exam; within one year complete at least 12 hours of CME, divided as follows: four hours in ethics and eight hours in physician-patient boundaries; and within 60 days pay an administrative penalty of $5,000. The Board found Dr. Garcia committed unprofes- sional conduct by becoming financially involved with a pa- tient. Dr. Garcia admitted to borrowing $13,000 from an established patient after the patient offered to loan him money when he expressed he was facing financial difficul- ties. Dr. Garcia has yet to repay the patient, and still owes approximately $11,000.”