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Texas OAG Releases 2022 Annual Peace Officer Involved Shooting Report

Texas OAG Releases 2022 Annual Peace Officer Involved Shooting Report


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Texas OAG Releases 2022 Annual Peace Officer Involved Shooting Report

Texas law enforcement agencies are required to report peace officer shootings. House Bill (HB) 1036 in the 84th Legislature (2015) has made this a requirement. There are two requirements listed in the Texas Code of Criminal Procedures (CCP) under Articles 2.139 and 2.1395.

Per the CCP, a law enforcement agency must report an officer-involved injury or death by the thirty (30) days after the incident. These incidents are when an officer uses a firearm in the line of duty and it causes injury or death to another person.

These incident reports get sent to the Texas Attorney General’s Office by the law enforcement agency and the office has to compile and submit the annual report by March 1 of the following year.

Peace Officer Involved Shooting Summary 2022

The Texas Attorney General’s Office provides the following information for the 2022 calendar year.

From January 1, 2022 until December 31, 2022, there were two hundred twenty- five (225) separate incidents statewide involving peace officer shootings with a firearm that caused injury or death.

Those incidents resulted in one hundred forty-six (146) deaths and seventy-nine (79) injuries to individuals. Additionally, twenty-six (26) peace officers were injured and two (2) were killed.

A separate incident is defined based on the individual who was injured or killed by a use of a firearm. For example, if one person is shot by two officers, this would count as one incident, even though two reports were filed (i.e., one report for each officer who fired their weapon).

Four reports submitted to the OAG were withdrawn (one was determined not to be an officer involved shooting but a suicide, two were filed incorrectly and one was a duplicate. They were Officer Involved Shooting Reports from Sugarland Police Department (OIS-00003933), Uvalde Police Department (OIS-00004004, OIS-00004005) and Edinburgh Police Department (OIS-00004211). They are included with the attached pdf reports but, were not included in the statistical breakdown due to their retraction.

Of the individuals (non-peace officers) who were either injured or killed in these incidents, ninety (90) were Hispanic, sixty-five (65) were Caucasian, sixty-three (63) were African-American, five (5) were of another nationality or race and two (2) were Asian or Pacific Islander. Two hundred (200) of these incidents involved individuals who were reported to be carrying a deadly weapon; twenty-five (25) did not

The reason for the officers’ involvement is broken down as follows: One hundred thirty (130) Emergency Calls or Requests for Assistance; twenty-nine (29) involving Execution of a Warrant; twenty-four (24) Hostage, Barricade and Other Emergency Situations; thirty-one (31) Traffic Stops; and forty-four (44) Other Uncategorized Situations.

Agencies may report more than one explanation for the peace officer involvement, therefore the total of these exceed the number of incidents.

Peace Officer Involved Shooting, 2022 Annual Report, Dated March 1, 2023.

How Do the Numbers Compare to the Prior Year

The 2022 calendar year saw more officer involved shootings causing injury or death than the 2021 calendar year. The numbers increase by forty-five (45) incidents compared to 2021. The Texas Attorney General’s Office reports the following for 2021:

From January 1, 2021 until December 31, 2021, there were one hundred eighty (180) separate incidents statewide involving peace officer shootings with a firearm that caused injury or death. Those incidents resulted in one hundred twelve (112) deaths and sixty-eight (68) injuries to individuals. Additionally, twenty-eight (28) peace officers were injured and three (3) were killed

A separate incident is defined based on the individual who was injured or killed by a use of a firearm. For example, if one person is shot by two officers, this would count as one incident, even though two reports were filed. (i.e., one report for each officer who fired their weapon

One Officer Involved Shooting Report from Mesquite Police Department was the result of a Mesquite Police Officer who accidently shot and injured another Mesquite Police Officer while on a call. On the Officer Involved Shooting Report, the injured officer’s information is listed under “Injured or Deceased Information” as our electronic system is not set up to record a peace officer shooting another peace officer, it is set up to record a peace officer shooting a non-peace officer. Likewise, on the Report of Injuries to or Death of Peace Officer that the Mesquite Police Department filed, the peace officer’s information (who did the shooting), is listed under “Non-Peace Officer’s Information” due to the electronic system format.

One report submitted to the OAG was withdrawn (filed in error). It was a Report of Injury or Death to Peace Officer from Denton County Sheriff’s Office. The report is included with the attached pdf reports but, was not included in the statistical breakdown due to the retraction.

Of the individuals (non-peace officers) who were either injured or killed in these incidents, seventy-two (72) were Hispanic, sixty-three (63) were Caucasian, forty (40) were African-American, three (3) were Asian or Pacific Islander, one (1) was American Indian or Alaskan Native and (1) was not available. One hundred fifty-nine (159) of these incidents involved individuals who were reported to be carrying a deadly weapon; twenty-one (21) did not.

The reason for the officers’ involvement are broken down as follows: one hundred thirteen (113) Emergency Calls or Requests for Assistance; seventeen (17) involving Execution of a Warrant; thirty (30) Hostage, Barricade and Other Emergency Situations; thirty-three (33) Traffic Stops; and twenty-nine (29) Other Uncategorized Situations

Agencies may report more than one explanation for the peace officer involvement, therefore the total of these exceed the number of incident.

Peace Officer Involved Shooting, 2021 Annual Report, Dated March 1, 2022.

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